BETA round 75 medals & awards

BETA round 75 medals & awards


Medal of Earth

Internet Explorer (#2768) 164 692 m2
Alexander von Humboldt (#2233) 158 418 m2
Meddie (#1418) 157 022 m2
Dora (#615) 152 180 m2
Alexander Mackenzie (#457) 150 374 m2
Leif Erikson (#102) 150 345 m2
Ford Explorer (#234) 150 000 m2
Lorenz Attractor (#997) 138 627 m2
Sabretooth (#32) 131 315 m2
Wisp (#1255) 129 594 m2

Medal of Honor

Tortilla de patatas (#522) 4 677pts
Frikandel Speciaal (#4145) 4 618pts
Witloofrolletjes met kaassaus (#1052) 4 164pts
Pepperinho (#115) 3 977pts
Hawk Tuah (#1947) 2 656pts
Reject Madman (#60) 2 198pts
Dark Energy (#4279) 2 162pts
Cruijffs Stroopwafel (#4376) 2 147pts
Techno Viking (#1952) 1 951pts
Reject Humungus (#1400) 1 909pts

Medal of Growth

Magus (#464) $ 3 025 058
Someone (#3192) $ 3 024 699
Sanfe (#3447) $ 2 914 722
Sabretooth (#32) $ 2 833 416
Comander (#165) $ 2 745 548
Henkie (#1319) $ 2 620 212
Mortificare (#313) $ 2 563 312
Son Goku (#2046) $ 2 542 229
Leif Erikson (#102) $ 2 532 572
Alexander Mackenzie (#457) $ 2 523 444

Medal of Courage

Frikandel Speciaal (#4145) 455
Witloofrolletjes met kaassaus (#1052) 433
Reject Madman (#60) 404
Tortilla de patatas (#522) 394
Reject Sharky (#3939) 383
Pepperinho (#115) 262
Hawk Tuah (#1947) 247
Techno Viking (#1952) 246
General Atom (#2101) 221
Cruijffs Stroopwafel (#4376) 213

Medal of Death

Frikandel Speciaal (#4145) 4
Hooligan Trump (#4051) 3
Hooligan Cartman (#1439) 3
Reject Humungus (#1400) 3
Milky (#475) 2
Pepperinho (#115) 2
Reject Madman (#60) 2
Korpill (#1421) 2
Colonel Mustard (#4380) 1
Tortilla de patatas (#522) 1

Medal of Thievery

CheeseX (#584) $ 33 778 036
Milky (#475) $ 31 912 995
Johell (#270) $ 9 742 555
Tke (#1383) $ 7 460 903
Decebal (#1298) $ 7 248 362
FeaR Murderer (#57) $ 6 184 651
SBS Bloom (#260) $ 4 960 250
Son Goku (#2046) $ 4 470 365
ceRbalus (#4103) $ 4 012 361
Cruijffs Stroopwafel (#4376) $ 3 798 881

Medal of Destruction

Reject Humungus (#1400) $ 1 228 261
Dark Energy (#4279) $ 643 527
Ivan Milat (#1953) $ 367 836
Deadman (#2391) $ 312 799
JCVD (#3491) $ 241 263
Hooligan Dr Evil (#4313) $ 231 255
General Atom (#2101) $ 225 164
Zerug (#207) $ 213 782
Hooligan Cartman (#1439) $ 190 315
Hooligan Moose (#1935) $ 167 471

Medal of Devastation

Johell (#270) $ 216 077
ceRbalus (#4103) $ 177 143
MTL (#1029) $ 137 684
SBS Bloom (#260) $ 130 481
Milky (#475) $ 101 168
Pepperinho (#115) $ 95 805
Gohan (#4417) $ 72 602
Scoopaloopa (#4047) $ 67 115
Dark Energy (#4279) $ 63 350
Loken (#4392) $ 56 209

Medal of Recruitment


United Boundaries

The Warriors of Deathgrip (#88241) 926 009 m2
Chaos Theory (#163022) 686 551 m2
Demons Are ZzZzZz (#301532) 645 963 m2
Some Kind Of Monsters (#74833) 483 201 m2
Revenge (#589233) 255 440 m2
Romanian Nuke Forces (#3136298) 197 646 m2
Advanced FeaR (#2396081) 193 234 m2
Hooligans Dont Stop (#49399) 170 650 m2
The Waffle Windmill Warriors (#4046716) 117 313 m2
Dragon Ball Z (#4271113) 92 129 m2

United Arms

The Dark Side (#4237991) 1 282 attacks
The all American rejects (#3426526) 819 attacks
Hooligans Dont Stop (#49399) 788 attacks
The Waffle Windmill Warriors (#4046716) 539 attacks
United Corpse (#4081332) 505 attacks
Valyria (#4253060) 388 attacks
Nutters (#660354) 359 attacks
L.E.D. Zeppelin (#669383) 247 attacks
For Mother Russia (#3485635) 171 attacks
Chaos Theory (#163022) 112 attacks


Demons Are ZzZzZz (#301532) $ 15 448 429
The Warriors of Deathgrip (#88241) $ 14 330 060
Some Kind Of Monsters (#74833) $ 14 088 081
Chaos Theory (#163022) $ 6 725 055
Revenge (#589233) $ 3 523 683
Hooligans Dont Stop (#49399) $ 2 900 571
Advanced FeaR (#2396081) $ 2 603 092
The Waffle Windmill Warriors (#4046716) $ 2 336 533
Romanian Nuke Forces (#3136298) $ 2 072 902
Dragon Ball Z (#4271113) $ 1 884 034

Clan Points

The Dark Side (#4237991) 13 462pts
Hooligans Dont Stop (#49399) 9 134pts
The all American rejects (#3426526) 5 884pts
The Waffle Windmill Warriors (#4046716) 5 440pts
Valyria (#4253060) 5 047pts
United Corpse (#4081332) 3 828pts
Nutters (#660354) 3 125pts
L.E.D. Zeppelin (#669383) 2 656pts
Universe (#4160077) 2 162pts
Chaos Theory (#163022) 1 975pts