The round has ended! Expect a new round on the 25th of April. The round will start at 10:00 server time.
Changes for BETA round 14

Changes for BETA round 14

Some of the most important changes for BETA round 14.

  • Life of all units increased by 20%.
  • Various performance tweaks resulting in fewer database calls, eventually resulting in a faster AO.
  • Extra event added when making a kill
  • Research time for bank management doubled, from 5 hours to 10 hours per research level
  • The Penalty for Withdrawing at Bank Management Research L2 is now 50%, from 25%. This should be used as a last resort only!
  • There is now also a 25% Penalty for withdrawing early at L3.
  • Users earn no Money, or Turns below their starting Networth
  • Changed Market Shipping 2 Time from 6 hours to 9 hours
  • Changed Market Shipping 3 Time from 3 hours to 6 hours
  • Average Province Declaration Thresholds have been withdrawn. Networth players should be better protected by Banking and market changes in future.
  • Missiles score less points below a certain Networth threshold than previously
  • Slightly increased points earned at all Networth values.
  • Points earned from Building Damage are slightly reduced for low-damage attacks (Less than 5000 total damage)
  • Points earned from Unit Damage are slightly increased for low-damage attacks (Less than 5000 total damage)
  • Overall multiplier for damage done to buildings is decreased – meaning buildings are always slightly harder to kill.
  • When the User has less than 300 buildings remaining, those buildings become a 20% harder to kill. This incentivises attacking provinces evenly to remove their power over going for kills always

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