– Every 24 hours experience points are awarded for having attained a certain networth. This is to even out the experience points gained between points and networth players.
— Above 500 000 networth gives 25 XP per day
— Above 759 000 networth gives 75 XP per day
— Above 1 000 000 networth gives 100 XP per day
— Above 1 500 000 networth gives 150 XP per day
— Above 2 000 000 networth gives 200 XP per day
— Above 2 500 000 networth gives 250 XP per day
— Above 3 000 000 networth gives 250 XP per day
– Rocketeer attack power boosted from 35 to 45
– Experience points on province pages are no longer live and only updated between rounds.